Our Team
Ayah Abdouny
Coordinator of the MENA Green Movement Network
Representative of the Youth of the Green Party of Lebanon
Abdallah Dreiat
Representative of the Green Generation Foundation in Jordan
Mohammad Flefil
Representative of the Green Generation Foundation in Jordan
Nour Alhuda Saad
Representative of Sasa in Iraq
Karrar Rifaat
Representative of Sasa in Iraq
Aziz Chebbi
Representative of Association Ifriqiya in Tunisia
Wiem Trabulsi
Representative of Association Ifriqiya in Tunisia
Ghada Nasri
Representative of Association Ifriqiya in Tunisia
Ahmed Mekki
Representative of Association Ifriqiya in Tunisia
Salma Ellakny
Representative of Greenish Association in Egypt
Radwa Abdelaty
Representative of Greenish Association in Egypt
Fatima Zahra
Representative of the Youth of the Green Party of Morocco
Abdulrahman Al Bo Ragheef
Representative of Sasa in Iraq
Osama Idries
Network Advisor
Fadi Abi Allam
Network Advisor
Mutasim Mahadeen
Network Advisor